Where the $ Goes

There are two ways our funds are held and two ways our funds are distributed. The majority is held in trust by Agape Outreach Inc. Once we have chosen the bi-annual 2000 Hearts Grants, Agape will distribute the funds to recipients in our name. We also hold an extension account from which crisis payments (up to $500 cash or in-kind) are paid.

We distribute funds through ad-hoc gifts and purchases of less than $500, (in kind whereever possible,) to individuals and families in crisis. Twice yearly grants of up to $3500 are distributed to grassroots organisations in May and November.

As a member of 2000 Hearts, you will be advised by-annually of adhoc and grant donations made.

  • 10% will be set aside for operational expenses
  • 20% will be re invested for future growth
  • 20%  will be available for adhoc gifts and purchases
  • 50% will be accessible for biannual grants to grassroots organisations

All administration, and management of 2000 Hearts is unpaid.

To become a member of 2000 Hearts the cost is $5 per week or $260 per year. This can be paid, monthly ($21.67), 6 monthly ($130) or annually ($260).